Dining with the Ambassadors 2025

Date: Friday, May 2nd, 2025

Pre-Dinner Reception: 6:00 PM at the Rockcliffe Community Hall, 380 Springfield Road

Diplomatic Dinners: 7:30 PM at the Official Residences

Tickets: $225 per person (includes a partial tax receipt)

Ticket sales launch March 1st - Joining the event is as easy as 1-2-3:

1. Print and complete the order form . The order form will be available here as of March 1st.

2. Submit your payment. Include a cheque payable to the Rockcliffe Park Foundation with your completed order form and deliver to: Dining with the Ambassadors, c/o Jane Newcombe, 25 Westward Way, Rockcliffe Park, ON KlL 5A8.

3. Watch for an email to complete registration. After receiving your ticket registration form and payment, the Organizing Committee will email you to request a short biography for your dinner host. Once your biography is received, your reservation will be confirmed.

Need Registration Help? Email us at 2025dining@gmail.com for assistance with registration and payment options.

Why your Support Matters:  Your participation helps fund the programs and events that strengthen our community.

Sponsorship Opportunities: Interested in contributing as a sponsor?  Contact us at 2025dining@gmail.com to explore options for this signature event.

Guest Information:  The dress code is cocktail attire. Additional details will be emailed closer to the event to ensure an enjoyable evening.

Ticket Policy: Tickets are non-transferable and non-refundable.  An active waitlist is maintained for neighbours hoping to attend.  If you cannot join due to illness or extenuating circumstances, email us at 2025dining@gmail.com. If we can fill your spot from the waitlist, your purchase may be refunded.

Note:  Priority on the waitlist will be given to Rockcliffe residents. 

Dining with the Ambassadors 2025 Organizing Committee: Sarah Baxter and Sarah Waters (co-chairs), Mary Concannon (diplomatic liaison), Joseph Cull, Cynthia Cusinato, Jill Dickinson, Marianne Feaver, Melanie Harmon, Elizabeth Heatherington, Jane Newcombe, Marilyn Wilson and Reba Wilson.

2025 Event Partners to date: Reception Presenting Sponsor, Marilyn Wilson Dream Properties Christies International Real Estate. Village Friend Sponsors: The Minto Group, Elmwood School, Ashbury College.


Dining with the Ambassadors is the Rockcliffe Park Foundation’s principal fundraising event.  It is a special evening during which dinners are generously hosted at more than a dozen of the official residences of ambassadors and high commissioners who make Rockcliffe their home away from home. A unique twist on the “dinner at an official residence” format, Dining with the Ambassadors is as much as anything else, a celebration of neighbours. 

The evening begins with a pre-dinner reception for all guests and hosts – the largest gathering of Rockcliffe neighbours - at the Rockcliffe Community Hall. It is only at this reception that our diplomatic neighbours and dinner hosts are revealed! Memorably elegant dinners follow and friendships are made. Over the years, this fundraiser has grown into a favourite neighbourhood tradition. 

Funds raised fund the Rockcliffe newsletter and RPRA events including our neighbourhood’s Heritage Walk, Movie Night, Rockcliffe Community Tree Day, Speakers Program, and the Children’s Holiday Party. Funds raised also support the Foundation’s commitment to ongoing environmental and conservation programs in Rockcliffe Park. These include water testing at the Pond, tree planting to preserve our maturing tree canopy, maintenance of the sports field at Rockcliffe Park Public School and Jubilee Garden, and conservation initiatives including the data collection on Pond use so that efforts at both conservation and continued access to the Pond can be maintained.

Our sincere thanks to our diplomatic neighbours who have hosted dinners for this event.

Dining with the Ambassadors is an event for Rockcliffe residents.