The Heart of our Park - The Centennial Garden

see our Centennial Garden page to learn more about efforts by neighbours to restore it

Welcome! Bienvenue!

We’re happy to welcome you to the website for the Rockcliffe Park Foundation. Rockcliffe is a unique neighbourhood with strong community spirit, a rich history dating back to 1864, and a beautiful and varied natural environment.

It is this remarkable community, history, and environment that the Rockcliffe Park Foundation and the Rockcliffe Park Residents Association (RPRA), are committed to supporting. While these two key neighbourhood organizations are distinct, they are linked in practice, history, and by shared values. The Foundation raises and manages the village funds that support the charitable programs and events that the RPRA manages and coordinates. 

In May 2024, the Government of Canada designated Rockcliffe a National Historic Site of Canada. This honour is testament to the decades and decades of residents who have cared for this community, celebrated its past and invested in its future. You can read more about this rare distinction at the links below.

Nous souhaitons la bienvenue à tous nos voisins francophones. La création de ce site web a été rendue possible grâce aux efforts de nos voisins bénévoles. Nous n’avons pas encore une version française. Nos regrets. Merci pour votre compréhension.

Rockcliffe Park Foundation: Who We Are

The Rockcliffe Park Foundation is a registered charity, with a volunteer board, established by residents in 1997 in advance of the Village of Rockcliffe being amalgamated with the City of Ottawa on January 1, 2001. The RPRA was established soon after amalgamation.

The Foundation’s role is to oversee and work to raise funds for an investment fund and provide grants to support our community programs, events and initiatives in three core areas of activity: community, heritage and environment. Each year we report to the community on the specific projects we have funded.

The Foundation grows the fund through donations and event fundraising. The Foundation accepts grant applications annually.

From the Rockcliffe Park Foundation Mission Statement:

“ protect the beauty, character and vitality of the community of Rockcliffe Park for the enjoyment of present and future generations of residents and visitors.”

2024 Board Members